Tuesday 24 February 2015

Some of our work...

Our getting to know each other self portraits...

We created our own PRETENDIVERSE (pretend universe)...

Our first fundamental skills session with Martin...

At the end of writing time one of the troupe groups get to read their stories to the class...

Animal Antics...

The skinny frog snapped up a juicy fly...(we were starting to wonder if it would EVER catch anything)

Last Thursday we had an awesome morning...
Jesse's dog gate crashed our news session...

A goat wandered in...

We had a monarch butterfly hatch...

AND Quinn shared his AMAZING Dinosaurland with us...

These  things all happened before morning tea!

Sunday 15 February 2015

Number Hunting...

Last week we went on a number hunt around the school - because numbers are EVERYWHERE!

What number is this?

There was a number on every class...

And can you guess what number Ronin found in this cloud?

On the snakes and ladders board we had to find the number on our letterbox...some of our numbers were soooooo big they weren't even on the board...
Lastly we popped back to class, grabbed some chalk and practiced writing some numbers on the concrete...

Monday 9 February 2015

Wednesday 4 February 2015

A morning in the life of Room 4...

First we go out for a run around after we have done the roll and had our news...

We do story writing before morning tea...

We do our browsing straight after morning tea so we can practice our reading - because practice makes PERFECT!

After browsing we head into our reading rotation...