Wednesday 29 April 2015

Our Focus Words

For the next few weeks we are going to be spelling...spelling...spelling...
(so we don't need to think too hard about easy words as we write our stories)

Our first set of "Focus Words" are...
(the coloured bits are the tricky parts)

Term Two Week One Highlights!

We had an ANZAC remembrance ceremony... 

We had our first kapa haka session...

We had a go at learning netball skills through "Fun Ferns".  We had four sessions...

What a great first week back!

Friday 17 April 2015

Holiday Adventures...

I hope you have all had a relaxing holiday - it will be great to see you all again on MONDAY!

Remember to send me your holiday pics if you have any

Lily has a new puppy called Bella!

Micah has had heaps of adventures!

Jamin made it to 100 nights of reading!

And our froggies have eaten loooooads of flies!

Remember to try and SMASH your holiday challenges!