Monday 26 August 2013


This week we are going to read, write and count TANIWHA!
Here are our creations on Kidpix - Maths number stories...

Some of us had a go at making taniwha books on the ipads - you can't see it on here, but it was loads of work.  We had to take photos, import them into book creator, type our story and change our background.  When you read them on the ipad, you can even turn the pages. 

Ella's Taniwha Story...

Mia's Story...

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Blue Tongue Lizard

Marcus came and told us about his pet blue tongue lizard.  It has a strange name (Ms Boon can't work out how to spell it) and a cool, flicking blue tongue.  Most of us got to touch it - but only if we wanted to! 

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Here are some stories we wrote on google docs

Edward's Story...

in   the  wotta   i   swam  to   the  botm   of   the   osin    and   i   sor  a   odpos.

Adam's Story...

On thursday right to monday I was up stairs just in my siters room and i wasn’t even aspecking that a MEGA EARTHQAUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happpened it was at 2:30 in the after noon.
I was sitting up stairs with nobody i just sat down and waited for the earthqauke ended.
i did not a thing but sit and wait for the earthqauke. after the earthqauke and i went
down stairs and i saw my mum at the bottom of the stairs i ran in the door and
sat on my cosh and got seryle and then a nother Earthqauke happen agin i sat agin
but my mum sat in the earthqauke to but scott, annie, jonnie, went under the talbe after that earthqauke we went out to otaik in case there was a tismamu and got furit burst and went
back and then cheked jeo net and then sat down and wached TV...

Jack's Story...

today before  school i waceh top gear  with  supercars   aston  marien   a poshce   a  lamogin   and  more supercars  they  race  itcateer .    they go to the  gas staoin   and race agein

Ella's Story...

once upon  time there was a doffine named  Ella  and a crab named Tyler an a shake

named Ray. One day Ella and Tyler wire swiming in the ocean But...yisth then a shake
was gasing up with them. so they swam as fast as they cood finley they wire safe
the shake tond arod and went home the End.

We have been using KidPix to show our learning in Maths...