Tuesday 20 August 2013

Here are some stories we wrote on google docs

Edward's Story...

in   the  wotta   i   swam  to   the  botm   of   the   osin    and   i   sor  a   odpos.

Adam's Story...

On thursday right to monday I was up stairs just in my siters room and i wasn’t even aspecking that a MEGA EARTHQAUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happpened it was at 2:30 in the after noon.
I was sitting up stairs with nobody i just sat down and waited for the earthqauke ended.
i did not a thing but sit and wait for the earthqauke. after the earthqauke and i went
down stairs and i saw my mum at the bottom of the stairs i ran in the door and
sat on my cosh and got seryle and then a nother Earthqauke happen agin i sat agin
but my mum sat in the earthqauke to but scott, annie, jonnie, went under the talbe after that earthqauke we went out to otaik in case there was a tismamu and got furit burst and went
back and then cheked jeo net and then sat down and wached TV...

Jack's Story...

today before  school i waceh top gear  with  supercars   aston  marien   a poshce   a  lamogin   and  more supercars  they  race  itcateer .    they go to the  gas staoin   and race agein

Ella's Story...

once upon  time there was a doffine named  Ella  and a crab named Tyler an a shake

named Ray. One day Ella and Tyler wire swiming in the ocean But...yisth then a shake
was gasing up with them. so they swam as fast as they cood finley they wire safe
the shake tond arod and went home the End.

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