Tuesday 5 August 2014


In the first week back we wrote some postcards...We worked hard on our pictures and neat writing - not to mention learning the different parts of a postcard!
Here are a couple of samples - the rest are up in the classroom...

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Amazing Writing

We have been working on our writing goals this term.  This week was are writing imaginary recounts about dragons.  Here is Max's story...

Max  9.4
I  looked out  of  my  window.  I  saw  a  drain, a  scary  one!    It  breathed  fire  at  me. It  went  closer  and  closer  to  me.  I  told  Mum (that)  i  saw  a dragon.  I  went  back  up  stairs.  it  breathed  fire  at  me  again. I jumped  and  made a  noise.  The  dragon  heard  me.  It was  flying  to  me.  It  was  green  and  black  with  sharp  teeth.  It  burnt  the  trees  on  fire!

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Teddy Bear Day

Last Wednesday we had a teddy bear day...

First we went out searching for teddy bears around the school...

Then we took them for a play on the playground - so we could write about it (and include some interesting details)

Finally we had lunch with our whole syndicate by the creek at the hall.

What a great day!

Our Class

Top Left - Self and Mate Portraits - We have been doing some observational drawing, first we drew ourself, then we drew our mates.
Bottom Left - Our writing goals - we have a group goal and an individual goal - WHO WILL WIN THE RACE??
The other photos are a selection of activities that we have been doing lately...including tricky teen numbers, iPads and some writing.

Monarch butterfly flies!

Fun Swimming Day

Sunday 2 March 2014

Writing Recounts...

We have been learning how to write a recount (that is writing about something we have done).  Last week we went and hung out in the playground but stopped every few minutes to chat about what we were doing (hoping to use some interesting words and lock them into our brains).  We spent one day writing about what we actually did, and the next day we used had a go at writing an imaginary recount.  Read the stories below and see if you can work out which ones were real recounts and which ones were imaginary!  

Today before we did writing, we all went to the playground.  I went on the slide.  Liam kept on sliding when I was sliding. It squished me. By Keily
I was on the monkey bars.  I went on with two hands.  I swung…maybe I swung too high, I was scared!  I closed my eyes and jumped.  It was so fun!  By Lara
I am on the playground playing on the slide.  It is fun.  The slide made me fly!  By Liam
I am flying in the air and then I was flying in the water.  I got a crayfish and clam out of the water.  I did a back flip and I flew up and landed on the ground. By Jackson
I went on the monkey bars and I almost got to the end.  I dropped on to the ground.  By Gen
I went on the flying fox.  I had fun.  It went fast.  We had turns.  It was me and Daten.  But I had a wiggly tooth and when I banged on the slide, my tooth nearly came out!  By Corbin
I am a super hero.  I will save the monkey from falling into a volcano.  I will fly with my powers. My name is...SUPERGIRL! By Brooke