Friday 3 July 2015

Tech Expo Powhiri and Matariki...

Kapiti Expo Powhiri

The powhiri was good.  I could see my mum and my aunty and my cousin and my nanny.  I was happy that I went there.
I was a bit annoyed because I had to stand behind the front row, but my mum told me to move up so I had to do what she said.  Then I was a bit squashed but I could still do the actions.
I was squished from the Kapanui boys.  I got sore legs because I was standing up for really long.  I saw my mum taking photos and mum helped me put on my shoes.  Tiare and Caylee went to see mum as well.  She was happy because we all did it!
When we got to the powhiri we had to take our shoes off and stand in our line.  We had to sing Maori songs.  I liked it because we got to go on the bus.
Well when I was singing I was looking at my mum and she was staring at me.  She was thinking I was great.  Alyah said I was great when she was going home from kindy.  I was also telling Sophie that I wished we were doing it at McDonalds, not the mall, so that when we finished we could eat some!


I saw the lanterns.  One landed and it had holes in it.  The other lanterns went up, up, up!

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