This week we have been trying to use descriptive language in our writing. On Tuesday we did blue (since that is our house colour and our sound of the week is eeeeeeeew). Today we did the other colours of the rainbow...
Green is like the weirdest stuff. Green is like a big crocodile that snaps you up with it’s strong teeth.
By Kupa
Red is like the slithery and poisonous snake that eats you with his sharp poisonous teeth if you stand next to him.
By Micah
Red is like the burning lava that burns you whenever you touch it. Red is like a juicy cherry that has a big, hard pip in the middle.
By Raumati
Orange is like a juicy orange that squirts in your mouth. Orange is like a beautiful butterfly that flies over the car.
By Daisy
Orange is like a spicy tomato that spreads all over your mouth when you squish it with your teeth.
By Ronin
Yellow is like a the juicy lemon that you pick off a tree. Yellow is like the sourest lemon that burns your mouth.
By Quinn
White is like a snow leopard that is faster than a tiger. White is like freezing cold milk that comes from a cow. White is like vanilla ice cream that is as cold as ice!
By Wairakau
Brown is like a yummy chocolate that is not healthy, it is sugary. It would be yummy to have every day.
By Sophie