Last week (Week 6) we had a lot going on...
First of all we watched the big kids do their cross country...
Then we had our first Buddy class session.
Then we wrote our own book based on the story. We wrote our own stories about what we could do when no-one was are a couple...

AND, last but not least we did an experiment
FIrst we discussed what scientists do...our thoughts were...
MICAH - they might build houses
MAX - they do potions they can turn anything into any colour
CATHERINE - they make experiments like tie dyed milk and erupting volcanoes
JESSE - they can make a night vision potion
Then we discussed what a HYPOTHESIS is - this is our guess about what we think will are some of ours...
LILY - it will spread out
CAMERON - it will change to green because yellow, red and blue make green
NGARANGI - it will change colours like a rainbow
JOSH - colour dust might come out of the container like steam
using milk, food colouring and dishwashing liquid...
After that we made sure our experiment was fair - everything had to be the SAME, except one thing. We had to use the same milk, the same amount of food colouring and the same amount of detergent...this made our experiment a FAIR TEST.
CAMERON - We made an experiment. It was a rainbow. It was beautiful. We were learning to be scientists. It was so much science.
KUPA - This morning we were doing an experiment. We needed milk, food colouring and a bowl and a cup. We put in blue, red and yellow. Two people got to stir it and then it was changing colour. It changed to grey - they both turned grey.
ELLA - We made a rainbow in a bowl. It was awesome and now it is green and grey and on the outside it was blue.
Here is Quinn's explanation of what happened...
KUPA - This morning we were doing an experiment. We needed milk, food colouring and a bowl and a cup. We put in blue, red and yellow. Two people got to stir it and then it was changing colour. It changed to grey - they both turned grey.
ELLA - We made a rainbow in a bowl. It was awesome and now it is green and grey and on the outside it was blue.
Here is Quinn's explanation of what happened...