We have been busy so far this term, and time has flown by! Here are some highlights from the first few weeks...
We started the term with some of the class reading a book to the class that they had practiced during their holiday challenge...Well done - a great effort!
What fun that was! (Batman is flying sideways in this collage!)
We had a visit to the Waikanae Library in Maori Language week to listen to a storyteller.
It was very interesting and led to us doing a week full of taniwha activities...which we shared at assembly!
We have a new programme in our class...
It means we can choose what we want to do while the teacher is working with groups. There is a range of reading, writing and maths activities that we must complete during the week. It looks something like this...
Our work habits are fascinating. Some of us do the "easy" tasks first, leaving the harder tasks to later in the week. Some of us do the reverse. And others have zoomed through our work to get it ticked off. Ms Boon has enjoyed seeing small groups of children deciding what to do and working together to complete the task.
At the end of each week there is a Gold, Silver, Bronze and Great Effort award given.
One of the tasks is spelling. We each have our own words to work on, and we can work on these in a range of different ways...
Scribble writing...
and a task linked to our focus of the week (check out the Superhero and dog letters...)
We are working on managing our time well, so that on FUN FRIDAY we have finished all the tasks we HAVE to do. A few weeks into this system and we are already reflecting and changing our work habits.
And then we made bubbles on the table...that was even "funner"!
We had a Science week.
All of our activities and writing were based on Science. The school also held a Science evening...We made bubbles...
And then we made bubbles on the table...that was even "funner"!
We spent an hour making different bubble creations. From the ladybirds and caterpillars to bubble cities! We even managed bubbles inside bubbles!
We had a lamb come and visit...some of us got to feed it!
And Coby came to hang out with us in dog week...
He waited...and waited for the children to arrive...Then we had news and he listened carefully...
We got to work and he hung out on his bean bag...
And last but not least...we spent the afternoon creating him a home...
(while he obediently sat in the middle of everything watching)