Monday 9 September 2013

Space Invaders...

Last week we did all of our work around a space theme - it was a busy week with production preparation and other stuff, but here are a few of our stories (cut and pasted straight from our typing - if you are having trouble reading it just sound out the letters and hopefully you'll be able to decipher it!)

Once a pona  time  there  was a alein  hre name was shine  because she was shine. One day a astsrnot   came to dstroye there  homes.  Lucky  it was a drem,  well  she fote  it was a grem but it wasint! wen she wock up there was screming and  she looked out the wedow and sor   pepl  raning like mad so shine did to.  some went in there flyingsorses. shine got out her gan and shotid the astrnot  and thea all livd happy evre rftr.

Jack   the   astnotnt   went  in   his   space   ship   Jack    went  to  mars   
he  went  to  see  his  aleein  frines  then  he played with them  then   Jack the  astnotnt        
head  to  eath.

onec        uopn    a       time     there   aleein        its     name    is     funny        she   looked     like    a      dog.     she      has    one  eye        the       eye    was     magic        it    kiled       lots        of       boys and       her     home     was     a      hole      and lived       happily   ever     after

One day tyler went to a little ilind it was verey little.Do you know why
tyler went to the little ilind  because he hasint sin this ilind befor.
So tyler mayd the sbas sip go little and tyler landid on erfe
so tyler went out of the sbas sip and on erfe jus’t then tyler
sore a grop of little aleyins apid (appeared) out of nowire tyler didin’t no
wot to dow but then tyler had a idire so tyler got up and
and cild (killed) the aleyins in one ginomis kick and one hit.
and they were all didde (dead) so tyler went home and
got his stuf and went back to little planit and
mivd in and had lots of room to put his stuf
then he made tee and livd happy ever aftre.

Here are the things we decided we needed in the introduction of our Narrative - see if you can spot them!

And...we tried to include a bit of our Character Description from last term...


  1. Awesome Narratives Room 4!! Keep up the fantastic work! From Room 2 :)

  2. WOW! Great work Room 4. We are writing narratives as well and we think your writing is FANTASTIC!
    From Room 17:)

  3. nice work. however I've been hearing a lot of DYING stuff though...
